


Eine Übersicht über ausgewählte Projekte aus den letzten Monaten - exklusiv für Sie zusammengestellt.


An overview of selected projects of the past months - summarized and presented exclusively for you. 




BOSS Real Estate Interior Architecture

BOSS Real Estate Innenarchitektur, Schweiz
Funktionale Räume mit spannender Formsprache ... mehr

BOSS Real Estate Interior Architecture, Switzerland
Functional rooms with exciting design language ... more

Sculpture «abyss»

Skulptur «abyss»
Eine perfekt gearbeitete Skulptur mit faszinierender Geometrie ... mehr

Sculpture «abyss»
A perfectly crafted sculpture with fascinating geometry ... more




HZI Virtual Exhibition Booth

Hitachi Zosen, Belgien
Ein begehbares virtuelles Infocenter - physisch gebaut, digital erlebbar ... mehr

Hitachi Zosen, Belgium
A walk-through information center - physically built to explore digitally ... more

SJV Olympia Promotion Videos

Schweizerischer Judo & Ju-Jitsu Verband, Schweiz
Promotionsfilme und Kurzportraits für die Athleten in Tokio ... mehr

Swiss Judo & Ju-Jitsu Association, Switzerland
Promotional clips and portraits for our athletes in Tokyo ... more


design-factory gmbh
aargauerstrasse 250 l 8048 zurich l switzerland l t +41 43 311 95 36
www.d-f.cc l info@d-f.cc


design-factory gmbh is sending news about projects and products to selected customers, partners and contacts. We do so just two to three times a year with the aim to inspire you. However if you do not wish to receive further news messages please reply to this e-mail with a short unsubscribe statement. In this case we apologize for having you disturbed and will certainly respect your decision.